Extended reissue of Ralf Fingerhut / Christel Manske: I was handicapped by teachers and doctors. Protocol of a Cure. (Rowohlt, Reinbek 1984)
Ralf Fingerhut was twenty years old when he joined Christel Manske. He came to her with the diagnosis: has no data center. As he suffered from epileptic seizures, he had had to be admitted to a psychiatric institution with a sheltered workshop where he worked. With the author, he learned to grasp the four basic operations with the author. He discovered: "If eight divided by four were really two, then there would be no hunger in the world. Eight divided by four, this was a Eureka moment! The flame of justice was lit! Mathematics became an instrument of justice for Ralf. We teachers were not spared from sharing this and other discoveries with him. Over time, he completely overcame epilepsy and never needed to take more medication.
Working with Ralf Fingerhut had convinced Christel Manske that students who were considered "mentally handicapped"could develop untold skills if only they had the experience of communicating adequately. Later, she ventured to pave the way for two other students, who were classified as "mentally disabled", to graduate from High School. One pupil moved to a regular school in fourth grade, another from a sixth grade orientation went to a Grammar School. While working with Ralf Fingerhut, Dr. Manske realized that epilepsy is a biopsychosocial event and so healing is not excluded. The author presents this work with two students who suffered from epilepsy. While working with them, epilepsy could be controlled by psychic neoplasms of functional systems. The medical reports of the child and adolescent psychiatrist PD Dr. med. H. Kowerk confirm the healing of both children.
Lehmanns Media, Berlin 2012
ISBN: 978-3-86541-510-3, 14,95 €